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Smithfield Feedlot's 'MaxiMukMoover' Innovation

Clever ideas and innovations that have been incorporated into day-to-day feedlot operations have been entered into the ALFA Innovation Competition 2023, proudly supported by Integrated Animal Production (IAP).

The winner and runner-up will be determined by popular vote and announced at SmartBeef23, held in Tamworth on 11-12 October.

To vote for your favourite entry, simply click the 'heart' button on the post (this indicates a like i.e. vote). The entry with the most votes will be announced as the winner. The entry with the second highest will be awarded the runner up. Voting is open from July 10 - September 22. The decision made will be final.

Smithfield Feedlot's 'MaxiMukMoover' Innovation

What's the issue/challenge?

Maintaining cleanliness along the fence lines in our pens to prevent fly breeding requires significant resources, including employee time, diesel fuel, and the use of a machine. The costs associated with these resources have been steadily increasing. Additionally, weather events can disrupt our schedule, resulting in a sudden rush to clean multiple pens within the limited time frame of the fly's life cycle.

Given these challenges, it becomes evident that increasing the amount of manure collected per drag can lead to substantial cost savings. By doing so, we can dramatically decrease the time taken to complete pen cleaning tasks, thereby reducing labour, diesel consumption, and the need for machine availability. Moreover, this improvement will have a positive impact on animal welfare, which is of utmost importance to us.

How does the innovation/idea work?

The "MaxiMukMoover" attachment transforms our standard spreader bar, enabling it to collect up to double the amount of manure per drag and ensuring it is efficiently relocated far away from the fence line. This is achieved through a simple yet effective design. The low profile of the "MaxiMukMoover" allows for easy manoeuvring under the bottom cable, and even when fully engaged, the flexible rubber flap of the conveyor belt effortlessly bends to accommodate passing under low cables.

It’s value really comes into play when there is large amounts of manure to be moved. This feature ensures smooth and uninterrupted operation throughout the dragging process, maximizing efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, when the "MaxiMukMoover" is not required for other tasks, it can be easily removed.

Watch the effectiveness of the "MaxiMukMoover" attachment in action by watching our video above, showcasing the prototype currently in use. We are further refining the design, including the incorporation of Cuphead bolts to ensure optimal performance and durability.

Cost of Innovation:

Approx. $80 ex GST plus 4 hours labour

The winning innovation will be selected ‘by popular vote’ and announced during SmartBeef23.


To vote for your favourite entry, simply click the 'heart' button on the post (this indicates a like i.e. vote). The entry with the most votes will be announced as the winner. The entry with the second highest will be awarded the runner up. Voting is open from July 10 - September 22. The decision made will be final.

With thanks to our long-term supporter of this award, Integrated Animal Production (IAP)


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