industry priorties
The Australian feedlot industry focuses on continually improving the industry through strandards and best practices.
The Australian feedlot industry is committed to the protection of the natural environment. Responsible environmental management is critical to the economy.
Water scarcity is a major issue in Australia and one that ALFA is addressing head on. Water scarcity is likely to become an even greater issue as climate change and competition among users intensifies in the coming years.
Hormone growth promotants
There is a misconception that Hormone Growth Promotants (HGP’s) may pose a potential human health risk. This briefing note explains how HGP’s are safe whilst improving productivity, consumer beef prices and the environment.
Promotion of Grain Fed Beef Industry
ALFA actively promotes the integrity and quality assurance of the Australian grain fed beef production system through the delivery of a website and communications plan dedicated to Australian Grain Fed Beef.