Clever ideas and innovations that have been incorporated into day-to-day feedlot operations have been entered into the ALFA Award for Innovation 2021, proudly supported by Integrated Animal Production (IAP).
The winner and runner-up will be determined by popular vote and announced at the ALFA Industry Awards Ceremony on October 20.
To vote for this entry, simply click the 'heart' button at the bottom right of this page. The innovation with the most votes wins, the second highest voted innovation will be named the runner-up. Voting closes 3pm, 20 October.
super dooper pooper scooper

What's the issue/challenge?
The 'Pooper Scooper' was designed to solve the issue of blocked or clogged water trough drainage lines through the build-up of manure, woodchip, hair or gravel.
How does the innovation/idea work?
The 'Pooper Scooper' enables foreign material to be removed from the water trough prior to the removal of the bung. This prevents manure, woodchip hair or gravel from being washed into the drainage lines causing potential blockages.
Cost of Innovation:
$60 total.

Enter your innovation/idea into the ALFA Award for Innovation 2021 for your chance to win prize money, and bragging rights! Entries close 1 September 2021 and can be submitted at
With thanks to our long-term supporter of this award, Integrated Animal Production (IAP)
To vote for this entry, simply click the 'heart' button at the bottom right of this page. The innovation with the most votes wins, the second highest voted innovation will be named the runner-up. Voting closes 3pm, 20 October.