Paradise Beef is proud to offer bio-mineral farming programs and a depot for their local feedlot clients and community to collect biological fertilisers for improved soil health.
Paradise Beef has entered this initiative into the inaugural ALFA Community Heroes Award 2021, proudly supported by Lallemand Animal Nutrition. The winner will be announced at the ALFA SmartBeef 2021 Conference in October. Read on to find out more about how this feedlot is going above and beyond to support their local community.
Tell us about your ENVIRONMENTAL initiative...
We offer Bio-mineral farming programs and a depot for our local feedlot clients and community to collect biological fertilisers for improved soil health. We started looking at this service to assist with improved cattle transition from paddock to feedlot, as we had seen a clear difference in cattle based on where they had come from and the nutrition in feed that had been available to them.
We offer our clients a service for soil testing, soil analysis reporting and programs through a microbiologist to ensure cattle have access to a healthy nutrient dense pasture for grazing prior to feedlot entry. As a custom fed feedlot this has seen improved weight gains and improved health for cattle entering the feedlot compared with cattle that come from a conventional farm.
This also has a huge impact on the quality of our beef product by improved nutrition in the soil and transferred into the meat through grazing, resulting in lower saturated fats and producing better quality beef.
We also complete in field monitoring through plant SAP analysis and plant tissue testing this allows the client to make informed decisions before making fertiliser inputs and ensures they are targeting limitations within the paddock.
Having the dome shelter also allows us to feed 12 months of the year in a high rainfall area providing our local community the opportunity to bring their cattle to their local feedlot to finish for local markets. This allows the clients to visit and see the performance of their cattle while at the feedlot.
One of our clients we feed for have marketed their cattle locally and is the supplier of our local butcher providing the Paradise Beef taste to the local community. By having local business support, we are able to provide sponsorship to our local sporting facilities and clubs.
What impact is the initiative having on the local community?
It allows our local community and clients the opportunity to collect bio-mineral fertiliser locally and have access to a team to provide on farm support that understands the region. We are located 30mins from the closest depots to collect product elsewhere, saving clients time and freight costs.
Utilising a bio-mineral product has positive effects on soil health and beneficial microbes, animal health and the environment for improved waterways. Our products include beneficial microbes and overtime a healthy ecosystem reduces the need for high chemical use to control pest and disease as they are taken out of the system by the good bugs. This has also provided the ability to engage with local catchment councils to provide a environmentally friendly product for their conservation planting projects throughout the region.
See the initiative in action:
About the ALFA Community Heroes Award
Australian feedlots are vital to the fabric of rural and regional Australia by creating jobs, supporting families, and contributing to local economies and the environment. This award recognises and rewards those feedlots that are actively nourishing their local communities and environment by going above and beyond to support their community, that ‘give-back’ and better the environment around them. The winning initiative will receive a $5,000 cash donation towards a local charity, business, or feedlot initiative to assist in further development and impact of the initiative.​
How to Enter:
Entries close 31 August 2021. To enter, complete the online entry form at
With thanks to our ALFA Platinum Member sponsor, Lallemand Animal Nutrition for their support of this Award.