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MEQ Live Device - Award for Innovation 2022 Entry

The MEQ Live Device is purpose-built technology for scanning animals in a feedlot setting. The scan is able to measure marbling, eye muscle area and rib fat thickness on live animals at multiple points throughout production. The technology has been developed to be used with minimal training and to suit the operating speed of feedlots. The scan, which takes approximately 5 seconds, delivers immediate measurements that can be displayed on a screen and used for drafting decisions or integrated into existing software to be used for production tracking and sales forecasting.

The device can deliver these traits as a point-in-time value and predict marbling up to a month prior to processing. The future scope of the technology is to provide performance predictions at induction and backgrounding.

MEQ Probe has entered this innovation into the ALFA Award for Innovation 2022, proudly supported by Integrated Animal Production. The winner will be announced at the ALFA BeefEx22 Conference in October. Read on to find out more about this innovation within the feedlot industry.

Tell us, how is the innovation original/innovative?

The originality of this technology lies in the efficiency and accuracy of the data that is collected. This data has never been commercially available for integration into feedlots. The MEQ Live Device can capture data on animals as they are processed through the race and can collect data quickly on any breed and number of days on feed. Because of the speed and ease of operation, the opportunities to use this information are broad and can be tailored on a feedlot-by-feedlot basis.

So, how does it benefit the Australian Lot Feeding Industry?

Live marble scores and yield measurements have the potential to integrate into the current practices of the industry or to change how the industry operates from the selection of animals through to sale. This technology offers improved sustainability and efficiency in the industry and enhances decision-making for businesses through data on an individual animal level.

Selecting finished animals early will increase the sustainability of grain-fed beef production and lower the cost of production. This technology also opens the door to select animals based on potential performance and to reduce the wastage and cost of poor-performing animals.

And how does it integrate into Australian Lot Feeding operations?

The MEQ Live device is designed for seamless integration into existing processing. The measurements are performed quickly and won’t disrupt normal processing. Marble scores and yield measures can be delivered on animals of any breed or number of days on feed. These data points can be quickly used by businesses to increase the visibility on the distribution of product coming through, adding a layer of confidence to sales commitments.

Longer term, modelling of this data can be used to decrease the cost of production and improve the quality of the product. The broad range of data collected means that there is no one size fits all approach and the MEQ Live device can be offered as a bespoke service to cover multiple use cases.

For More Information Contact:

Danny De Rosa, R&D Project Manager - MEQ Probe 0490538294 |

About the ALFA Award for Innovation

All BeefEx exhibitors & sponsors with an innovative product or service are encouraged to enter the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association’s (ALFA) Innovation Award – designed to acknowledge excellence in innovation from companies supplying and servicing the lot feeding sector.

With thanks to our sponsor, Integrated Animal Production Pty Ltd, for their support of this Award.


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