The latest national feedlot survey results, released today by the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) and Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), continues to demonstrate strong performance within the sector with numbers on feed consistently reporting over 1 million head.
A total of 1,195,466 cattle on feed in Australia was recorded for the June 2022 quarter, a decrease of 74,461 on the previous quarter.
Each state recorded slight reductions with the highest percentage change in Western Australia.
Queensland decreased by 5.4% to 708,052 head, New South Wales decreased by 1.5% to 335,064 head, Victoria decreased by 1.9% to 61,362 head and South Australia decreased by 20.7% to 36,098 head. Western Australia decreased by 25.2% to 54,890 head which is in line with the seasonal nature of feedlot production in that state at that time of year.
ALFA President, Barb Madden, said the continuation of historically high numbers on feed reinforced the importance of the grain fed beef sector to the Australian beef industry.
“These results are evidence of the long-term confidence placed in the lot feeding industry and its critical role in supplying a consistent, high-quality beef,” Mrs Madden said.
Total capacity in the June quarter reached 1,472,046, the second highest on record, following the highest achieved in the previous quarter, with a modest drop of 13,668 head.
“The capacity results show that the feedlot sector continues to show resilience despite headwinds such as elevated input costs and herd rebuilding conditions that have limited cattle supply,” Mrs Madden said.
Ripley Atkinson, MLA Senior Market Information Analyst said that feedlot pens across the country continued to have high utilisation rates.
“National utilisation ended the June quarter at 81%. While utilisation softened slightly by 4% from the previous quarter to March 2022 it was still 10% up on the previous year.
These stable utilisation results, despite tight cattle supplies and higher input costs, indicates that confidence amongst lot feeders remained robust through the quarter.” Mr Atkinson said.
Georgie Humphries
MLA Corporate Affairs and Media Manager
P: (02) 8055 1833 M: 0439 069 036
Barb Madden
ALFA President
P: (02) 9290 3700
Q2 statistics: