ARLP Course 27 Scholar, Jeff Schuller | Session Update

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

The Australian Rural Leadership Program (ARLP) is run by the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation’s (ARLF) and provides an opportunity for leadership development using challenge-based and experiential learning.

Each year, ALFA and MLA award up to two scholarships to lot feeders to attend the ARLP Program, an investment of $50,000 each. For more information on the program, the scholarship and to express your interest or apply for the program click here.

Jeff Schuller, Thomas Foods International Feedlot SA, was awarded the grain fed beef industry scholarship for Course 27 of the ARLP and shares his experience on the program through his latest update below.

ARLP Course 27 scholar update

by Jeff Schuller

Australian Lot Feeders' Association CEO Christian Mulders and ARLP graduate Jeff Schuller at the graduation ceremony in Canberra.

What a rollercoaster ride the past 16 months have been. After starting our ARLP journey in November 2020, we have come to the final consolidation aspect, allowing what we have learnt to be firmly grounded.

The ARLP experience has given me the opportunity to further develop and grow my leadership practices.

I have developed a deeper awareness of my actions, along with those around me and the ever-changing environment that we find ourselves adapting to.

My growth has helped me to step up, take action and advocate for my community through my presidency of the Keith campdraft committee, my industry through affiliation with ALFA and myself through my work at Thomas Foods International.

Through my learnings with the ARLP, I can now authentically pass on my knowledge to my networks, inspire them to take action and welcome positive, real, lasting change for regional, rural and remote Australia.

Thank you to my sponsor Australian Lot Feeders' Association. Your investment in me is greatly appreciated.

I strongly encourage anyone thinking of applying for the ARLP to do so. This program is like no other, and has the ability to create positive change in people from all walks of life.

read Jeff's full Participant report

For more information on the program, the scholarship and to express your interest or apply for the program click here.
